Virginia tech ithenticate
Virginia tech ithenticate

virginia tech ithenticate
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virginia tech ithenticate

New systems are being developed in Appalachia to produce biofuels and biochar from local biomass and to recycle biochar into the land base to enhance future biomass productivity. Further studies should test these methods in the field over multiple years and further refine recommendations of the rate of biochar to use and how best to apply it.

virginia tech ithenticate

Results suggest that pine biochar either broadcast at 2.3 - 22.5 Mg ha‑1, or mixed in planting holes with backfill soil, will promote faster above-ground growth and larger root systems in seedlings in mine soils.

Virginia tech ithenticate full#

Topdressing and full incorporation of biochar were not significantly different in their effects on biomass. Naturally-occurring herbaceous biomass in the pots was negatively correlated with above-ground woody biomass at r = -0.483. High (22.5 Mg ha-1) biochar applications increased soil volumetric water holding capacity to 18.6% compared to 13.4% for pure mine soil. Virginia Tech Abstract The Graduate School offers a new resource and tool to help graduate students with their major papers, such as theses and dissertations Students and faculty can use iThenticate to verify originality of documents prepared by graduate students. After weathering, biochar provided less available soil phosphorus, calcium and iron than the mine soil itself while increasing soil carbon and organic matter. Graduate students can use iThenticate to review their written materials (e.g. All of the biochar treatments produced greater average above-ground woody biomass (19.1 g – 33.4 g) than the pure mine soil (10.9 g). Students and faculty can use iThenticate to verify originality of documents prepared by graduate students. The pure biochar produced greater average below-ground biomass (99.9 g) than the pure mine soil (46.9 g). Black locust had higher average above-ground dry woody biomass (24.4 g) than American sycamore (17.0 g), and also higher below-ground biomass (61.0 g compared to 30.2 g). Unplanted leaching columns were leached with collected rainwater for six months to simulate weathering. One-year-old seedlings of both American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) were planted. For the tree planting pots, additional pots were created where the biochar was applied as a topdressing at the same application rates as in the mixtures.

Virginia tech ithenticate plus#

Unplanted leaching columns and 4 L tree planting pots were filled with these biochar-soil mixtures, plus controls of pure mine soil and pure biochar. Mine soil was collected from a recently reclaimed coal surface mine in Wise County, Virginia and mixed with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) sawdust biochar, simulating application rates of 2.3, 11.2 and 22.5 Mg ha-1. Biochar produced in bioenergy generation has potential for use as an amendment to improve seedling performance. Early growth and survival of tree seedlings is often poor on reclaimed coal surface mines in Appalachia.

Virginia tech ithenticate